How to install Ubuntu 14.04 on Asus K401UB

Sunday, April 3, 2016 4:07 PM 3 Comments , , , ,

I lost a few days for install Ubuntu 14.04 on my new laptop Asus K401UB.

Asus K401UB have Hard drive 1 TB and 24 GB SSD, So i install partition like this

/dev/sda is 1 TB Hard drive
/dev/sdb is 24 GB SSD

mount /boot on SSD (256MB)
mount / on SSD (Remain SSD)
mount /home on 1TB Hard drive (200 GB)
mount /var on 1TB Hard drive (50GB)

After i installed Ubuntu 14.04 i got many problem out of the box


- Audio not work
- Touchpad not work
- Wifi not work (Network Manager show locked by hardware lock)
- Some of Function Key not work (Airplane mode, Brightness, Touchpad Enable/Disable) not work
- Hybridge Video Graphic Card (Intel & Geforce 940M)

Solve the problem:

Audio & Touchpad 
Audio & Touchpad solved by install newer kernel  (

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-wily xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily 

After install & reboot Audio and Touchpad work fine.

I found 2 choice to solved wifi work.

1. fn + F1 to sleep laptop, when laptop wake up wifi will work
2. Uninstall Network Manager and install wicd instead

sudo apt-get install wicd-gtk
sudo apt-get purge network-manager-gnome network-manager

reboot your laptop, wifi will work

Function key
i can't solve this problem but i found shell script to disable and enable Touchpad

- Find Device id from command (in this case device is ELAN1000:00 04F3:0401)

xinput list

id = 12

Download this shell script

Replace id with your Touchpad id in this case is  12, this script will toggle your Touchpad Enable/Disable

Video Graphic

I try many solution to solve VGA swiching but nothing work. I decided to use Bumblebee to run Geforce 940M when i need it

Update 2016-04-06
fn key + brighness down/up (F5 & F6) will work when edit config grub

Edit this file /etc/default/grub

Find this line:

Change to

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pcie_aspm=force acpi_osi="


PS. I'm using Mate Desktop for Desktop Environment.

Hopefully this blog can help you.


How to compile aircrack Ubuntu 14.04

1:33 PM 0 Comments

Install Dependencies

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev dpkg-dev g++ g++-4.8 libc-dev-bin libc6-dev libstdc++-4.8-dev zlib1g-dev debian-keyring g++-multilib g++-4.8-multilib gcc-4.8-doc libstdc++6-4.8-dbg glibc-doc libstdc++-4.8-doc libalgorithm-merge-perl libssl-doc libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl

Download and compile

cd /tmp
tar xfz aircrack-ng-1.2-rc4.tar.gz
cd aircrack-ng-1.2-rc4/
sudo make install
sudo airodump-ng-oui-update